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Traditional Cooking medium makes a healthy comeback

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Traditional Cooking medium makes a healthy comeback

Klimom- Pure A2 Ghee in Hyderabad | Online buy


“Prior to about 1960, Indians used Ghee high heat cooking. Other vegetable oils were used for pickling, added to chutneys and otherwise used in food raw or for low heat cooking.”


When we were children , all the cooking done was in Indian Cow Ghee.


Desi Cow Ghee was considered good for health. In winter, a spoonful of ghee would protect us against colds, and ghee with a few peppercorns added was supposed to improve your eyesight.

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Be Summer Ready :Giggle, Gobble and Gulp !

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Be Summer Ready :Giggle, Gobble and Gulp !

march summer blog 1


It doesn’t matter whether you like your milk warm or cold or you like it plain or flavored. There are so many different ways to have your milk, it’s almost like a painter’s plain canvas. I might have a slight bias any form of milk as long as it is cold. But that’s only because the summer season is here!


Needless to say that the key ingredient, Klimom’s desi cow milk, will keep you healthy and nourished in every form. We deliver fresh milk to your home within just a few hours of milking. The milk is as fresh as it can get and has no preservatives added. Nor is it refrigerated.

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Ancient Wisdom for the “NEW WOMAN”

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Pure Desi Indian Cow Ghee online - Klimom
Ancient Wisdom for the “NEW WOMAN”

With the evolution of technology and medicine, there has been an influx of products in the market. Back in the day, very little was store bought. From the stage of always setting the curd at home to just picking up a ready cup from the supermarket, times have really changed. This influx and easy availability of things have strangely also taken some of us back to basics: the need to stick to solutions that are simple, natural, pure and above all homemade.


In that sense, I feel evolution can be quite a funny thing sometimes. We strive so hard to create 10 solutions to a problem but then go back to the one that existed before any of those 10 were invented.

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