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The difference between food allergy and food intolerance

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The difference between food allergy and food intolerance

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Both food allergies and food intolerance have common symptoms but they are both different conditions. Most physical reactions to certain foods are caused by a food intolerance and not a food allergy. The signs and symptoms of both are similar and one is often confused for the other.


Let’s first talk of food allergy. It can be explained as the reaction of the immune system to a type of food, which it sees as an invader. A food allergy triggers the immune system to react in a way that it can affect numerous organs in the body. What follows can be a whole range of symptoms. An allergic food reaction, can at times be so severe as to be life-threatening. On the other hand, food intolerance symptoms are not so serious and can often be seen in the form of limited digestive problems.

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Why we need our Indigenous Cows (The Indian Cows)?

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Why we need our Indigenous Cows (The Indian Cows)?

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As a primarily agrarian economy, cows have always been at the centre of our lives right from ancient times to now. According to legend, it is believed that the cow (Kamadhenu) emerged from an ocean of milk at the time of samudramanthan –that is, at the time of the great churning of the ocean by the gods and demons. And now, it is equally relevant for exactly the same reason as the legend proclaims – the life sustaining milk that it provides us with.

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Modern India & The Fertility Puzzle

Modern India & The Fertility Puzzle

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You might find it hard to digest if I say that India has a growing fertility problem that needs attention. That’s because the focus is almost always on the growing population and the problems that come with it. With already over 1.3billion people, we’re likely to be the most populous country in the world in the coming years. And not to forget, India is also known as the land of the Kamasutra. The right to procreate is even called out as a fundamental right. Therefore, talking about fertility issues is not really top of mind. But those who go through this challenge know what the struggle is like.

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