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Navrathri: A Celebration of Womanhood

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Navrathri: A Celebration of Womanhood
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Best way to approach Navrathri

The Indian festival of Navratri is dedicated to the feminine nature (PRAKRUTHI) of the Divine. Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are seen as three dimensions of the womanhood, symbolic of the earth, the sun and the moon, or of tamas (inertia), rajas (activity, passion) and sattva (transcendence, knowledge, purity) respectively. Those who aspire for strength or power, worship feminine nature in the forms of – Mother Earth or Durga or Kali. Those who aspire for wealth, passion or material gifts worship Lakshmi or the sun. Those who aspire for knowledge, dissolution or the transcendence of the limitations of the mortal body worship Saraswati or the moon.

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Navratri: Fasting, Food, and the Health Benefits

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Navratri: Fasting, Food, and the Health Benefits

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Let the new beginning be a blessed one with the goodness of nature

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Let the new beginning be a blessed one with the goodness of nature

A great time to get back to the basics, and get things right! – Ugadi/Gudi Padwa It’s never too late to get back on the right track, to change your direction and flow on the path where you ought to be. And the new year is just another opportunity, and a gentle reminder to take the most dreaded step of doing what might be tough, but is surely right!


And what better time to set things right than during the Hindu new year? As the cold breeze stops freezing every bone of your body, and the spring descends, people from across the country start celebrating their New Year according to the Hindu calendar. The southern Indian states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh call it Ugadi, while the Marathas refer to it as Gudi Padwa, and the Sindhis observe Cheti Chand, all of which fall around the same time, marking the first day of the month of Chaitra, heralding the advent of spring.

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