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Kanuma – going back to the traditions of cow worship

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Klimom Desi Indian Cow milk and Milk Products in Hyderabad
Kanuma – going back to the traditions of cow worship

Klimom Desi Indian Gir Cows in Hyderabad | Cow Products


Sankranti is just one festival but the festivities continue for four days at a stretch. It’s almost like a wedding in the family that comes at the start of every year.


The rituals are a beautiful mix of fun, devotion, and gratefulness for the bountiful gifts of nature. If you have ever been to a traditional village during this time of the year, you will understand the true importance of this period.


The first day of Sankranti is kicked off with Bhogi, the second day is called Pongal or Makara Sankranti, the third day is what is celebrated as Kanuma and the fourth day is called Mukkanuma. Each day has a specific set of rituals that are to be followed. And each ritual has a special meaning, especially for farmers whose livelihood revolves around agriculture.

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Why is raw milk without pasteurization ideal for your family

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Klimom Desi Indaian Cow Milk and Milk Products
Why is raw milk without pasteurization ideal for your family

Klimom Pure A2 milk in Hyderabad | Klimom Cow Milk


You must have surely heard of the importance of eating your food raw, especially since it is being talked about so much these days. It is actually true. If you think of it, food that is raw is in the true form that nature intended for it to be in.


Cooking and boiling every particle of food you eat until eternity destroys all the essential nutrients. In some cases, it even ruins the fresh natural taste. So next time you hear the recommendation that at least 50% of your diet should consist of raw foods, it shouldn’t surprise or shock you. It’s worth giving this change in your diet a serious thought.

The same applies to the milk you drink every day as well. Have you ever heard of raw milk? Raw milk is the highest quality of milk. It is milk that hasn’t been cooked or in other words, pasteurized. Sadly, most of us have spent a good majority of our lives not even knowing the difference.

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Indian Cow Ghee this Festive Season

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Indian Cow Ghee this Festive Season
Desi Indian Cow Ghee online buy - Klimom Milk Products

Festival season, and every home is abuzz with festivity. As the day of celebrating approaches, the entire household is filled with the delicious aroma of sweets and savories that are made for the occasion. While kids are the ones to be most excited about this, the senior citizens in the family, enjoying their second childhood are mostly deprived of the fun of sweets. Reason? They’re diabetic, and all that sweet and sweeteners take a toll on their health. But, is it fair to deprive them of the fun because it is not healthy? Can we instead make the sweets healthier?

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