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Modern India & The Fertility Puzzle

Modern India & The Fertility Puzzle

 Infertility Treatment for Male and Female | Klimom A2 milk


You might find it hard to digest if I say that India has a growing fertility problem that needs attention. That’s because the focus is almost always on the growing population and the problems that come with it. With already over 1.3billion people, we’re likely to be the most populous country in the world in the coming years. And not to forget, India is also known as the land of the Kamasutra. The right to procreate is even called out as a fundamental right. Therefore, talking about fertility issues is not really top of mind. But those who go through this challenge know what the struggle is like.

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Klimom Desi Indian Cow Products in Hyderabad

Ugadi is a festival of the Telugu-speaking populace in the states of South India. Ugadi is celebrated to welcome the Telugu New Year which ushers in a season of freshness and brightness before the colors of Holi entirely fade away. Nature brims with sprightliness when red flowers blossom and mango buds bloom heralding the arrival of New Year for South Indians. The festive ceremonies of Ugadi are observed in harmony with the joy and beauty of nature to mark the beginning of growth, affluence and prosperity for everyone.

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Ancient Wisdom for the “NEW WOMAN”

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Pure Desi Indian Cow Ghee online - Klimom
Ancient Wisdom for the “NEW WOMAN”

With the evolution of technology and medicine, there has been an influx of products in the market. Back in the day, very little was store bought. From the stage of always setting the curd at home to just picking up a ready cup from the supermarket, times have really changed. This influx and easy availability of things have strangely also taken some of us back to basics: the need to stick to solutions that are simple, natural, pure and above all homemade.


In that sense, I feel evolution can be quite a funny thing sometimes. We strive so hard to create 10 solutions to a problem but then go back to the one that existed before any of those 10 were invented.

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