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Why Grandma’s advice was always right…

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Why Grandma’s advice was always right…

Klimom – Farm Fresh Indian Cow Milk and Products


It’s so cliched yet so uncannily true that life comes a full circle. Especially when carrying a precious little one inside your womb. Not surprisingly during pregnancy, nostalgia is at its peak. It’s that time of life when reflecting on all the memories of childhood brings so much comfort.


We may pour through pages and pages of “informative” reading material about what to expect. But the truth is that nothing is as comforting as relying on the age-old traditions. Ones that have been followed generation after generation in our families.


That’s pretty much how most of us finally end up using our Grandmother’s little tidbits of advice rather than dismissing all of it.


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Move over clay, greener Cow Dung Ganesha here

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Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Gomaya Ganesh Idols
Move over clay, greener Cow Dung Ganesha here

Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Ganesh Chaturthi

The eco-friendly alternative to clay Ganesha – Focus on how immersion of these idols could control water
pollution and enrich water bodies, and can also act as manure for plants at home) This Ganesh Chaturthi, take a pledge to return to our basics, follow the path laid by our ancestors, who identified the most healthy and ecofriendly ways of celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with tall idols that don’t hurt the planet. This year, instead of buying tall, colorful, plaster of paris idols that are hazardous to the environment, bring home
eco-friendly idols of the God.

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Embracing our traditions and harvesting prosperity

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Klimom Desi Cow products in Hyderabad
Embracing our traditions and harvesting prosperity

A harvest festival, one that’s all about the backbone of our economy, a time to unite with family and bond with cousins, that’s what Sankranti has been synonymous for many, and then there are also those, who think of it as just any other holiday.

Traditionally Sankranti celebrations meant a time to come together as a family and pay respect to everything about agriculture, which includes even the cattle,that was an integral part of farming. Every ritual was centered around worshipping and paying respects to the animals.

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