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Klimom wins the prestigious National Gopal Ratna Award 2018

Klimom wins the prestigious National Gopal Ratna Award 2018

Award 2


Allola Divya Reddy, Founder Klimom, has been awarded with the prestigious Gopal Ratna award for her extraordinary work in the field of rearing indigenous Gir cows and following the best management practices to improve their milk productivity. Hon’ble Minister of Animal Husbandry Shri Radha Mohan Singh presented the award to Allola Divya Reddy at a function held on 1st June 2018 at National Agricultural Science Complex, New Delhi.


The national level award was launched in December 2014 for the first time in the country, with a view to conserve and develop indigenous cow breeds. The main aim of the award is to motivate farmers for rearing of indigenous cow breeds and increasing population of indigenous cows along with their production and productivity.

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Reproductive health: Going back in time

Reproductive health:  Going back in time

Blog 02


On my social media newsfeed today I came across a post which read “Diet cures more than doctors.” I cannot agree more with this statement. Of course, I’m going to take that “diet” here means eating healthy and not starving oneself.


In the world we live in, the poor struggle to get a basic meal a day because they can’t afford it. Whereas the rich can buy whatever they fancy because they can afford it. The type of food we eat is being compromised across the board irrespective of wealth. As a result, many of the health problems we see today are simply because of not eating right.

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Let’s Get Back and Follow Our Traditions

Let’s Get Back and Follow Our Traditions

Tulsi is also regarded as Sanjeevani | Klimom Natural Cow Products


The world has always appreciated India for its traditions and rituals. A lot of daily habits of Indians make us different from others. As you travel from one state to another, you will notice different customs, traditions and rituals. All these traditions are of great value in Indian culture and these customs and traditions together make India a secular state within.


India is a mix of religion and culture. We love that we experience so many different types of food, clothing, and rituals. From praying to different Gods, or even unique ways of getting married, we have diversity in everything. There are certain traditions we’ve been following since we were kids. A lot of us have questioned these while growing up, and some of us have just followed them faithfully without any questions

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