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Does A2 Milk help even if you are Lactose intolerant

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Does A2 Milk help even if you are Lactose intolerant

Klimom Desi Indian Cow Milk | Healthy Milk


You were hungry. The only thing you found was a cup of warm milk. Nothing quite as satisfying as that, you thought to yourself. An hour later your tummy was rumbling and feeling bloated. The discomfort somehow passed after nagging you for a few hours. You moved on with your day as usual.


Just like you, most people go through their lives without even knowing that they are Lactose intolerant. Especially in cases where the symptoms are not as pronounced but bothersome nevertheless.


According to wikipedia, data suggests that 65% to even 90% of the population in some communities have a reduced ability to digest lactose. Some studies have shown that 3 out of 4 Indians also have a lower milk tolerance.


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Move over clay, greener Cow Dung Ganesha here

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Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Gomaya Ganesh Idols
Move over clay, greener Cow Dung Ganesha here

Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Ganesh Chaturthi

The eco-friendly alternative to clay Ganesha – Focus on how immersion of these idols could control water
pollution and enrich water bodies, and can also act as manure for plants at home) This Ganesh Chaturthi, take a pledge to return to our basics, follow the path laid by our ancestors, who identified the most healthy and ecofriendly ways of celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with tall idols that don’t hurt the planet. This year, instead of buying tall, colorful, plaster of paris idols that are hazardous to the environment, bring home
eco-friendly idols of the God.

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Cow Dung Ganesha – The perfect balance of tradition & ecology

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Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Gomaya Ganesh Idols
Cow Dung Ganesha – The perfect balance of tradition & ecology

Klimom- Indian Holy cow dung cakes for Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is around the corner and here’s your chance to move over the plaster of Paris Ganeshas and clay Ganeshas, as there couldn’t be an eco-friendly option that’s better than the cow dung Ganesha. And did you know that our ancestors worshiped idols made out of cow dung even over 400 years ago?

Made out of a paste of the desi cow’s dung, turmeric, vibhuti, tamarind seeds powder and neem leaves paste, the idols are not just eco-friendly, but also ideal for immersion in water, as they help improve the quality of water in lakes and other water bodies by releasing bacteria which serve as feed for aquatic life. This apart, these idols are also considered to be a great source of manure for plants.
(Did meant for water plants)

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